Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Bath times.

The boy loves his baths!
When I walk into the bathroom his slow crawls turn to excited gallops as he follows me in.

He stands at the edge of the bath and chats and squeals away as I run the water and put some toys in.

Forever trying to dive right in, I have to stop him as he cocks his leg up to get over the edge.

Once he's in, so begins half an hour of splashing, squealing, chasing toys and examining the plug.

I love sitting with him and just watching him. He is so amazing.

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Baby Expo and Skeletons!

 On Saturday, KC and myself took the boys to the Brisbane Pregnancy, Babies and Children's Expo at Southbank.

It was packed! And we had two great big prams! Note to us; Next year, NO BABIES! Haha.

It was nice to look through all the stalls and check out the baby items, KC bought a few things and I discovered the wonder of Baby Mum-Mum rice treats. Max chowed down on the samples that I got and loved them so much that I had to go back and buy a heap of them! Haha.

After the Expo we took the boys and had a nice wind down at the Southbank Parklands.
We had a burger and chips each and watched the boys interact. As usual, Max was a bully to Byron and made him cry.

I also found out Max's skeleton PJ's the day before and was delighted to find that Max fits them! They're a size 1 on his 00-0 body, so a little baggy, but still damn cute!

I think he looks so adorable in them! :D

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Afternoon Sun

Hanging out with the boys in the backyard.
Max has Hand Foot and Mouth, so the boys were kept well apart from each other.

You wouldn't think he was sick, judging from those smiles!

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Lazy Sundays

 I always call them Lazy Sundays, but when you have a VERY active 9 month old, there's really not much time to be lazy!

With Max on the move, I'm constantly looking for ways to entertain him before he wrecks the house!

At bath time we tried out some Crayola Colour Bubbles. Great big purple bubbles that spray purple dots everywhere when they pop, they make bath time very entertaining!

Max enjoyed popping each of the bubbles as they landed on the water, and painting in the purple goo on the side of the bath tub.

Earlier in the day we did some experimenting with Play Dough! I had bought some the week before and secretly, I was more excited to play with it than Max.

He loved tearing off little pieces of the dough and studying them carefully, inspecting each piece and squishing them between his fingers.

Of course he had to taste the dough, but it only took one taste before he decided that it was gross!

I look forward to many, many more of these "lazy" Sundays. They are the best days for me to spend time and bond with my son. There's no stress on Sundays.

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Baby Byron

In the studio with baby Byron. He's such a good little poser!
Can't say the same for my son. I have no pictures of him that aren't blurry. 
The boy won't sit still ever!

 Today was a nice sunny day and wasn't too cold! We ventured out into the yard and had some fun with bubbles! I think the dog (Jett) enjoyed the bubbles more than Max!

Later we went over to KC's place to see baby Byron and have a play in the studio.
Byron was being a perfect little poser for his photos when Max totally ruined the shot.

But the series of pictures are just so cute!

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

I bought a new camera today, a Canon 60D. Upgrading from my faithful 500D. I'll miss my 500D, she served me so well for so long!

I am in love with the 60D. It is fast, efficient, boasts a great image quality and just feels better in my hands.

Max and I spent bath time playing with bubbles this evening and I couldn't help but grab a few cute shots of my cheeky boy!

- Karissa

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Wanting Family Portraits on a Budget?

You're in luck!

Cardboard Hearts are offering Family Portraits for just $70 if you book before Friday 15th June. You can book for any date!

Family Portraits are normally $100, so you're saving a nice $30 on the total cost!

What do you get for $70?
- 1-2 hour session at your choice of location (Within Pine Rivers, Brisbane, Redcliffe or Caboolture).
- 10-20 Hi Resolution edited photos on a disc, posted to you. To print over and over again!
- All of your hi res photos at low resolution, re-sized and watermarked, ready for easy upload to social networking sites!
- Subject to availability; 2 photographers, two different styles.

So book now!

All shoots must have the $50 deposit paid 2 weeks before shoot date to confirm the booking. If you are booking for less than 2 weeks time, $50 deposit needs to be paid as soon as possible.
Please remember, the $50 deposit counts towards your total session price! It is NOT an additional fee. Pay your deposit and bring $20 on the day!

Monday, 11 June 2012

Long Weekend!

How did you spend your public holiday today?
Max and I had a lazy day in his room, wrecking the joint and pulling out all of his toys.
He has learned two new things that he put on full display today; 
- He can make a kissing face and pucker, then make the smooch noise.
- He enjoys kneeling and sitting on his feet. It looks very cute.

We put up a couple of sheets in his room and used the dull overcast light from the windows to take a few cute pictures. Little rascal wouldn't take his hands out of his mouth though!

Hope you had a fantastic long weekend!

- Karissa

Saturday, 9 June 2012

Baby Wyatt

KC photographed beautiful baby Wyatt and his proud parents, Clayton and Izzy, today.

KC will be finished editing the rest of the photos soon, so I will update with a few more in the coming days.

Congrats to his lovely parents, they made a little stunner! :)

Friday, 8 June 2012

Fun in the Park

Meet Max and Byron! Aged 9 and 7 months. These boys are our world and you can look forward to seeing many photos of them! :)

This was during a fun day at New Farm Park, soaking up some sun and having a glorious feast of fish and chips.


Welcome to our new blog!

I'll start with an introduction.

My name is Karissa, I am 22 years old. I'm from QLD, Australia and I have a great big passion for photography! In August 2011, my son, Max, was born. My passion for photography turned into a passion for babies and all things baby! So it wasn't long before I put my two favourite things together and decided to enter the market of baby and family photography!

I have a business partner that joined with me in March 2011, her name is KC and she has a little boy called Byron. We have been friends for years and were working separately in the same industry, so it just made sense that we should combine forces and tackle the market together!

At present we are still setting up and getting our name out there, Cardboard Hearts! Tell your friends!

We offer anything baby or family related, as well as branching into real estate, portfolio shots and pet portraits.

Our base is in Kallangur, QLD, where we have an in-home studio set up for our baby and newborn photos.

Our aim is to create beautiful images at a very affordable price. After going to various Pixie Photo shoots with my son and being shocked by the prices that they charge families, I decided that we need people out there that aren't trying to rip you off!

We sell a session, and your images come on a disc for free. You don't buy $100 prints from us. We don't watermark our hi-res photos and once you have paid in full, that disc is yours and those photos can be printed over and over.

Hopefully over the next few weeks this blogger will start looking a bit more like a portfolio and can help spread our name out over the great big www!