Sunday, 24 June 2012

Baby Expo and Skeletons!

 On Saturday, KC and myself took the boys to the Brisbane Pregnancy, Babies and Children's Expo at Southbank.

It was packed! And we had two great big prams! Note to us; Next year, NO BABIES! Haha.

It was nice to look through all the stalls and check out the baby items, KC bought a few things and I discovered the wonder of Baby Mum-Mum rice treats. Max chowed down on the samples that I got and loved them so much that I had to go back and buy a heap of them! Haha.

After the Expo we took the boys and had a nice wind down at the Southbank Parklands.
We had a burger and chips each and watched the boys interact. As usual, Max was a bully to Byron and made him cry.

I also found out Max's skeleton PJ's the day before and was delighted to find that Max fits them! They're a size 1 on his 00-0 body, so a little baggy, but still damn cute!

I think he looks so adorable in them! :D

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